
Home Theater

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I like to watch TV on a really big screen.

Some specs on my home theater gear:

What is next for the home theater? Definitely another cabinet retro-fit. That is next on the woodworking agenda after I build a table for the library. As part of the cabinet retro-fit I'd like to go with a (bigger) fixed screen with all of the components that don't need to have media loaded into them behind the screen on shelves.

Then the next step might be re-assessing the Holo3dgraph if Immersive doesn't get the HD-Aux drivers fixed soon. Maybe switch over to the new DVDO Iscan HD video processor.

And I also have my eyes on another projector upgrade, probably the Benq 720p DLP unit. LCD vertical banding is annoying. But then I'd probably have to build a hush box which will be a pain in the butt. Upgrades never end!

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Edited May 3, 2005 (hide diff)