Click on the question mark, and you will be able to submit a definition for the page. Click on the Cancel button to get into the view mode of that page.
Click on the hyperlinked Wiki Name, which will get you into the view mode of that page. You will then be able to:
Click on the pagetitle to see which pages already refer to that Wiki Name.
Click on the "Describe this page" link to submit a definition for the page.
Choose one of the templates to start editing with.
If you don't want to see a Wiki Name hyperlinked you have several options:
Don't smash the words together, simply put spaces between them.
Use the C2:SixSingleQuotes? sequences. E.g. Wiki'''''Page will result in WikiPage.
Use a tilde (~) character in front of the name. E.g. ~WikiPage will result in WikiPage.
Use the <nowiki> tag. E.g. <nowiki>WikiPage</nowiki> will result in WikiPage.
If you want to hyperlink the singular form of a Wiki Name that is in the plural form you have two options:
Use the C2:SixSingleQuotes? sequence. E.g. WikiPage''''''s will result in Wiki Pages.
Use the double quote. E.g. WikiPage""s will result in Wiki Pages.
A Wiki Name can appear in the bracketed form. For example: [WikiPage my wiki page] would result in my wiki page which is hyperlinked to Wiki Page. This way of hyperlinking to Wiki Pages is a system option configured by the administrator of this site, so it might not work here.