Editing revision 9 of 2007_Christmas_Wish_List
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**Some equipment so I can make the transition to all grain brewing** Sparging arm: http://www.listermann.com/Store/Details.asp?ID=77 False bottom: http://www.listermann.com/Store/Details.asp?ID=963 ---- **Mont Bell Ultralight Down Inner Jacket**, size XL http://www.montbell.us/products/disp.php?cat_id=99&p_id=2301283 That's just the manufacturer's page for it...you can search and find it lots of places ---- **Call of Duty 4** for XBox 360 ---- **HQV SD NTSC benchmark DVD**: http://www.hqv.com/benchmark.cfm ---- **Polypropylene sock liners** for hiking ---- **Running pants** / loose tights ---- **Vestibule for the new Black Diamond First Light tent** we have for backpacking: here http://www.backcountry.com/store/BLD0638/Black-Diamond-Firstlight-Tent-Vestibule.html?CMP_ID=SH_FRO001&CMP_SKU=BLD0638&mv_pc=r126 or here http://www.gearapalooza.com/product/39474/black-diamond-firstlight-tent-vestibule.html or here http://www.northernlightstrading.com/istar.asp?a=6&id=810152!181
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