
Help On Emoticons

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To use emoticons in text to show feelings

You can type certain characters that are converted to graphic images, called emoticons. To insert an emoticon, just type in one from the list below. They're only converted to an image if they are followed by at least one whitespace. In addition, the smileys must begin with at least one whitespace.

      :-) or :)
      ;-) or ;)
      :-D or :D or :-d or :d
      :-O or :O or :-o or :o
      :-P or :-p
      :-S or :S or :-s or :s
      :-| or :|
      :-( or :(
      (Y) or (y)
      (N) or (n)
      (L) or (l)
      (u) or (u)
      (K) or (k)
      (G) or (g)
      (F) or (f)
      (P) or (p)
      (B) or (b)
      (D) or (d)
      (T) or (t)
      (C) or (c)
      (I) or (i)
      (H) or (h)
      (S) or (s)
      (E) or (e)
      (M) or (m)
      /i\ or /I\
      /w\ or /W\
      /s\ or /S\

To turn off the ability to show emoticons you can go to your User Preferences, click Show Emoticons to clear the check mark and then save your preferences.

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Edited May 2, 2005 (diff)
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